Sunday, January 20, 2013

Graphic Novels

I have just recently started to read a couple different graphic novels. I tend to not read them for various reasons but have decided to give them a try. I have been surprised at how much I am enjoying them. A friend of mine started me reading them and I am glad that he did. Up until now I have only been reading for pure entertainment and stayed around things that I could relate to or that I was comfortable reading. I am about to change all of that though with the comics I will be starting in the near future. first comic I will be reading is Black Hole by Charles Burns. This book is set in the 1970's and centers on the life of some high school students. It tells a story about a plague that is passed among the students which leads to murders. The reason I am going to read this graphic novel is that it is a story which is a metaphor for high school life. I want to see how the author develops the story and what specific aspects he uses as metaphors. I like reading metaphors but I don't usually read stories about young adults or teens which will be a change for me. The story also has some gruesome and horrific art and ideas which I usually stay away from but I will try and keep my mind open as I read the book. second graphic novel I will be reading is Blood : A Tale by J. M. Dematteis. This story is really out of my comfort zone because it is about a vampire. After the Twilight debacle, I tend to give a very wide berth to anything that has to do with vampires. The story line seems intriguing though. It varies depending on which review you read between the idea that an ancient king is told stories of a vampire by a strange spirit to the dying dreams of a king about a vampire that exists but does not exist. I'm going to read it because I'm curious to see how a story can be told which such differing ideas about what really happened and yet be called one of the greatest graphic novels to come out of the 1980's. It is also said to have some of the best artwork in a comic and I'm interested to see how the artist portrays this wild and fanciful story in a visual capacity. third, but not last, graphic novel I intend to broaden my horizons with is Finder : Voice by Carla Speed McNeill. Again, this is a new direction for me as the story centers around a medieval combatant competing for knighthood. I usually don't read stories like this because my little sister does nothing but talk about medieval times and read books and watch movies and write stories all about an over romanticized, fanciful, ridiculous period of history with no regard for how brutal, uncomfortable, and disgusting the era actually was. However, I am going to try and set my prejudices aside and read the story with an open mind and try and learn something from it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Music Video

I have always thought that producing a music video would be cool. This semester, I have the opportunity to make a music video. I have done tons of audio editing of music and vocal clips as well as putting together several songs into a medley. I will still get a chance to do just that, but I will also be adding a visual aspect to it. I am not very good at using video editing software so I'm hoping that this experience will help me become a better video editor because editing music and video together to make them sync is a very important skill to have.

I have decided to do the song 5:33 written and performed by Strike Out Kid. This is a local band featuring several students from Shepherd University. They are a pop punk band that perform songs that relate to high school and college students while still attracting older fans.

I am still trying to come up with ideas for the video. I might try and so some double exposure work of the band performing. I might try and create a story line for the song to relate what the song is about with a couple shots of the band performing. I also might create a story in color using tinting and filters on a camera or in the editor in order to create a certain mood for the viewer. Whatever I end up doing, I hope it turns out well and I will definitely enjoy the experience.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sequential Art Maus is a graphic novel by Art Spiegelman. It depicts a families escape from the Nazi's and the different obstacles that entailed. It portrays the main characters of the family as mice, the police and medical staff as pigs, and the Nazi's as cats. The character depiction is an entire discussion in and of itself because of the ingenuity but I am only going to focus on one aspect of it. I am going to discuss something that was brought to my attention by Scott McCloud. McCloud is the author of Understanding Comics. He has made comics and graphic novels very accessible to the intellectual which is a revolutionary endeavor. From a semi early age, I always thought that comic books were for nerds and children. My journey through the Shepherd University communications department has definitely changed my opinion but not so much as Scott McCloud's book. It shows the intellectual and academic value of reading and understanding comic books as well as foster a growing appreciation of their entertainment value. of the aspects that McCloud discusses is Sequential Art. This refers to the ability of the artist to add body to a scene or to tell an entire story, simply by putting images together as shown in the image to the left. This can be done by putting hundreds of images together to explain very minute details, or by putting just two images together and giving a sense of the action. Maus is full of examples. It would be very difficult to portray every aspect of the story in Maus through images, but the artist is able to shorten the space drastically by strategically placing images in the story line. One of my favorite examples is when Lucia comes to visit Vladek and in the space of two frames goes from having a standing conversation to grovelling on the floor. The intriguing part is that the story is not slowed down or made more confusing at all. In fact it gives a sense of the urgency that she feels and makes us feel for her as a character. The artist's ingenuity is phenomenal.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver is a web development tool created and published by Adobe for Mac and PC. I have used this tool to develop a website all about voice acting. The site contains about 25 pages of content with 2 or 3 links to external sites with a couple YouTube videos as well.

I think Dream Weaver is a great tool. I like the simplified coding aspect of it. It also has predictive tags which makes it that much easier to develop the page. I recently discovered that it also has templates which makes it even easier to develop the site. It allows for a more professional looking site without doing so much coding work. One of my favorite features that it provides is the ability to automatically update all the links to the entire website if you change something on the original template. If you've made a mistake on the original template and based most of the site on that flawed template, it would usually entail having to go through every page and making the necessary changes. Fortunately, using the template feature, you can make the change on the original template and Dream Weaver will update all the links and make all the changes to all the other pages automatically.

The only thing that I don't like about Dream Weaver is the amount of training it takes in order to learn how to use it. It takes quite a bit of training in order to be able to use the tool effectively. Of course, that is the case with many new software today but there are other programs that are much simpler in their navigation and usage. Aside from that, the program is very efficient and a great development tool.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


All University level classes have a syllabus. Some even require you to read them. Most of the time however, students simply find out what assignments are due and then let the syllabus gather dust or forget about the web page it is found on. The syllabus is supposed to be a guide in how to succeed in the class. Professors are to blame just as much as the students however because they only put the bare minimum requirements for a syllabus to pass inspection. It can be frustrating if one is looking for information on how to do a specific assignment or has a question about grading procedures.

In contrast, the syllabus for COMM 333 (Music Video) covers every aspect we would need to cover in the class. It not only tells us how to succeed in the class but also shows us how to succeed in our careers by giving valuable information.

For instance, it has a section specifically on how to write blogs. This is of course valuable information since the modern community will read a blog about as much as they will read a magazine article. This means that a blog should somewhat resemble a magazine article in its presentation as well as the aesthetics. However, an advantage of having a blog be on the internet allows the publisher to include media and references easily by hyperlinking and posting videos.

Another section in the syllabus covers creative and creative thinking. This not only comes in useful in the class but also in other aspects of your life and career. There are many institutions that require you to think critically but they never tell you what that statement means. This syllabus covers it extensively and gives examples on how to do this. It is a resource that I can use many times in the future no matter what the endeavor may be.