Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Samsung Worker Abuse

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-b7cRxawxW6hXInBE3zXVCZInK4vkPcT9CWnyFsWEcVRboXm8WChpr4QmJwi22w_LwBy4LfFO78G6oefMmSMLNxvYPzHI7hHQeerERXziKkrzBEi7okkMquEBSviG2y_t1NxJDF4jPj8B/s1600/samsung-logo.jpgWell first off we can't immediately start pointing fingers at Samsung and calling them evil for practices that they are not directly responsible for. The factories that they have their products constructed at are where these practices take place and it is up to the government to regulate the practices there. This does not exonerate Samsung however because they may have claimed to be unaware of these occurrences but once they found out they didn't take their business elsewhere either.

We can't lay all the blame at Samsung's feet because they are not the only ones at fault. The American public is also to blame. If Samsung were to take their manufacturing and shipping needs elsewhere, their sales would drastically decrease while they made the transition and the public would be so upset that they would cease to buy Samsung products due to lack of supply and the raised cost which would in turn put Samsung in a very financially unstable situation.

Another aspect of the situation is that what is happening in China is not unlike what happened in America about 260 years ago during the industrial revolution. During that time children would work in factories for barely any wages for exorbitant overtime hours. This was the dawn of America becoming a world super power and the leader that we were a few years ago. America's influence is on the decline and is only going to lose more and more influence. Since we outsource all of our business we are simply giving other countries more power over us. We are in debt to too many countries for too much money to be able to recover. China is awakening and will soon become the leading super power of the world. The process they are going through right now is exactly what happened to the united states all those years ago.

As for not using these products, I do not personally have a Samsung device but I am sure that some brand of company I support has used the same techniques sometime in the past. However, the fact remains that our society is continually pushing the development of technology and if we do not get on board we will be left behind. For instance I had to purchase my own cell phone and pay a ridiculous bill every month just so I can have some kind of access to the internet from my house. If I did not have access then I would most likely fail my classes because every single one of them posts assignments and announcements on the internet.

In conclusion, any type of human abuse and extortion is deplorable and should be discouraged but human pain is the price of societal advancement. People die every day in order to fix roads we drive on, pump oil we consume, repair electricity we rely on, and produce technology we depend on. The sad truth is that we are a destructive species and that fact will never change.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apple vs. Samsung Comm352

The fiasco between Apple and Samsung is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that Apple won the lawsuit was completely due to the fact that the jury was filled laymen and not with electronic and business professionals. If this were to be a fair trial the jury would have to be made up of application developers, business men, and copyright experts. I completely agree with the statement made by Darren Murph from Engadget when he said "Looking at the closing arguments alone, it was plainly obvious that showing a jury full of laypeople Product A vs. Product B and asking them -- in a roundabout way -- if they looked alike would lead to an Apple victory." This is a perfect example of how the lawyers took advantage of the ignorance of the jury in order to get a sketchy victory over Samsung.

Apple is being completely hypocritical with this lawsuit. If they wanted to be completely fair then they should also be paying fines to Android and Windows7 OS for the aspects they have incorporated from them. I personally have an android phone and have enjoyed the awesome convenience of Google Talk for several years. Apple now has the exact same feature that does everything that Google Talk does only they have added a voice that talks back to you and are calling it Siri.

The fact is that now that Apple has won this lawsuit, the friendly sharing of ideas between innovators has ended. Now everyone will be defensive about their ideas and there will be countless lawsuits over everything. The market will get ridiculous and cell phone sales will fall. I will personally never purchase an iphone as android has been ahead of them in every aspect from the beginning. Unfortunately, I think that android phone sales will fall because now there will be so many restrictions on cell phone development. 

In conclusion we will basically have to get used to a very bland and straight cut OS if we are not apple customers. We will have to deal with less choice and more round about ways to do what we used to be to do with the touch of a button, or the pinching of our fingers. Android will have to be careful though, if they get too bland and straight cut, they might be getting a lawsuit from Blackberry.
This video shows yet another innovation that Samsung has created. I have researched and tried to find a video for the iphone but every video is either a concept video or a parody. Apparently they are so paranoid that someone will steal their ideas that they won't even advertise them.